I make things*
*(see also: purveyor of sawdust and snark enthusiast)
*(see also: purveyor of sawdust and snark enthusiast)
Who am I? What’s my deal? Why should you care? Whoa there, buddy. Pump the brakes. What’s with the interrogation? Alright, then. Let’s break down my mission statement then. Strike that. Mission statement sounds too stuffed up, official and professional. We’ll be having none of that here. I am not a corporate brand. I guess I’m just, like, this guy, you know?
While I grew up in the midwest U.S. being surrounded by processed foods and cheap industrial-manufactured goods, I’ve always had an interest in disassembling things, figuring out how they work, and then exploring the limits of creating from scratch. Sure, it’s not always practical, but that’s just part of the discovery process. As Carl Sagan once said, “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.”
I’m just a hobbyist maker with no formal training in anything whatsoever - largely self-taught, a “feral learner” if you will. I’ve mostly just figured out how to do things on my own through trial & error and just from watching others. I am certainly no expert, but I enjoy attempting to take my own spin at things whether that’s in the kitchen, workshop, studio, garden, or just around the house. You’ll find some of those projects documented on the pages here.
My 2+ year role as a senior engineer for began shortly prior to launch. Over the several following years, the site grew into a successful high-end online stationery business. During my time here I contributed many significant key features as well as overall site improvements. The work ranged from defining core API and site architecture components and implementing core e-commerce and social platform features, to server configuration, monitoring, deployment, and administration. Some of the feature work included: