VI. Don't Force It

VI. Don’t Force It

Sometimes all you need for a part to fit is a running start.

Try to force it and this will often end badly, typically with poor results. When cutting with a knife, consider a scoring pass first followed by multiple passes to cut through entirely. Don’t try to cut completely through in a single pass. Too much pressure or force can lead to slips resulting in lower quality cuts in the best case or ruined parts and serious accidents on the other end of the spectrum. (You made sure not to be in the danger zone, right?)

When attempting to disassemble a part with stuck bolts or nuts, consider how much force is being required for your action. If you find yourself having to provide a large amount of force to accomplish a task, pay attention and heed these observations. It is often a good indicator that you’re doing it the wrong way. Stop and take the proper time to re-assess the situation. Perhaps you need more lubrication, greater leverage, or an entirely different tool or approach.